Hello, everyone! So on this week's fictional crush friday, I'm gonna talk about my first if not second (most likely second, there's Peter Parker somewhere in my list) MCU crush. He's known by many names. Sergeant Barnes, Winter Soldier, White Wolf, The New Fist of HYDRA (this one is quite cool honestly), Semi-Stable 100 years old man, Steve Rogers' boyfriend, etc. But I simply just call him, Bucky Barnes.
I'm going to talk about MCU Bucky because that's the only version of Bucky that I'm familiar with. I'm a huge fan of MCU but I never read a single Marvel comic books.
The first time we saw Bucky was in Captain America : The First Avenger as Steve's best friend and he helped Steve with the people that beat Steve up in the alley, and they're just like the best of friends since they were kids. In this movie, compared to pre serum Steve, Bucky is more of a ladies' man. He got more girls compared to Steve. Bucky got these suave vibe that got all the girls swoon, even Clara Oswald (wrong fandom, sorry. Icydk, Clara is one of Eleventh's doctor companion, played by Jenna Coleman). And personally this is my favorite era of Bucky, 40s Bucky. Because he hadn't got into all the shit that he's in future movies. He's got a little of humor. Just such a powerful mind.
(Look at that sharp ass jawline. I'm deceased)
Bucky was always there for Steve when no one else was. And when you think he felt jealous when Steve became Captain America, nope bitches. He wasn't. Instead he helped Steve kicking Red Skull's force ass. He looked so good using guns, and Bucky is definitely better than Steve in shooting, that's the tea. But all these helping also what "killed" him in the first movie. He fell off the train and was presumably dead.
The "death" of Bucky in this movie was what made Captain America "knocked on the front door" and defeated Red Skull. While also accidentally made himself freeze for 70 years.
Fast forward to 70 years later, we saw Bucky again as Winter Soldier. Basically HYDRA's version of super soldier. He was totally brainwashed and programmed to help HYDRA kill their biggest enemies, or at least that's what I got. That scene where he completely attacked Nick Fury out of nowhere in the middle of the street gave me creeps. Him standing in the middle of the street, wearing all black with his metal arm and the soundtrack "Winter Soldier" (which is a musical masterpiece, don't @ me) playing in background is still so memorable. Or when he clawed (?) the asphalt with his metal arm, that was memorable. But nothing, nothing is more memorable than this line.
The word "Bucky" triggered his memory of Steve back, then HYDRA was all, "oh shit, guess we need to wipe your memories again.", his scream is painful, broke my heart. I just wanted to hug him(while trying not to look at Sebastian Stan topless. Which was quite hard, to be honest). The one vs one combat that Bucky had with Steve on one of the planes, devastating. Bucky as Winter Soldier was trying to assure himself that he had to do this, his mission, to kill Captain America. But then Steve said "I'm with you to the end of the line.", we could see the look of realization, pain, regret. Everything, just everything in his eyes.

(Should I cry or cry?)
This extra loving and caring goth bf, only because of that particular sentence, literally jumped the plane, bringing Steve with him. Saving his best friend if I have to put it the simple way. We love a loving best friend.
Now, we're gonna go to Civil War. To be honest, I don't really know what to say about Bucky here. He's still recovering from being a killing machine. Living in a small apartment, buying plums to help the mind recovery in Romania. And then he was back becoming Winter Soldier by a few words recited by the actual villain of the movie. Then he's in the "civil war". At the end of the movie he was brought to Wakanda? I don't know, I just don't understand this movie and Bucky in it. Even though Bucky was one of the most important aspect in the movie. I still love him tho. That scene where he bought some plums in Romanian? Too cute.
Before we jump into the painful and scary Infinity War, can we just talk about how great Bucky look in the post credit scene of Black Panther?
(Bucky in half up half down bun is my aesthetic)
It's safe to say that he was already himself in this period. He's back into his 40s self and enjoying some coconut water in Wakanda while taking care of all the goats. My baby, living the life he deserved after all the torture.
Okay. Bucky Barnes in Infinity War. Are you ready? Am I ready tho? Here we go. Bucky actually didn't show up in the movie until toward the end of the movie. T'challa came visiting him with new metal arm and Bucky knew that there was gonna be a battle soon. And he killed it in the battle, shooting all those aliens, also his scene with Rocket, is soooo funny yet amazing.
(I want a buddy cop movie with them)
I'm going to talk about the snap. The freaking snap, created by a giant mad eggplant. You know this, you've heard it. The snap "killed" half of the universe, turned them into ashes. And broke the heart of those who were spared by the snap. Bucky was one of the half of the universe that was affected by the snap. I think he was the first person who was seen in the movie that turned into ashes. I hate Marvel for doing that. His last word, which was "Steve", only adding gasoline to the raging fire of angst and heartbreak.
Now, in my opinion, Bucky is not dead. So is everyone that was affected by the snap. He's a bad bitch, you can't just kill him like that. I think he's still alive in the soul stone. And there are some rumors floating around the internet, saying that Bucky is gonna be the next Captain America, because that's what happened in the comics. Personally, I would love that, and really want it to happen. But if he won't be Cap, it's okay too. And I don't think that it's the path that Marvel is going with, since he's already affiliated with White Wolf. Now that I think about it, I don't really care what Bucky is going to be doing after Avengers 4. I just want him to live happily. That's all. Like I said, it's what he deserved.
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